Reckless Life谱
Fast Rock = 196. Tuning 1/2 step down.
Rhy. Fig 1
1/4 full end rhy. Fig 1
D A5 D5
|------7 measures---|-3--------|----|---------|-----------------------|
|------Rhy. Fig. 1--|-0--------|--hold for 2--|-----------------------|
1. I’m____ reckless___ and feelin’ no
2. See additional lyrics
C5 B5 B5 G5 D5
pain. You know I’ve got no need to con- trol.__
A5 D5 C5
|--------------hold for 2-------|--------------------|----------------|
Li-vin’ with_ the dan-ger, I’m always on the edge_ now with
A5 G5 D5 D5 C5
|------------hold for 2-----------|----------|------------------------|
mil-lion dol-lar vi-sions that I hold.____
B5 A5 B5 C5 D5(type 2) C5
|---------------hold the-------------|------------hold the------------|
Li-vin’ like this nev-er ev-er tore_ my life a-part_
B5 A5 B5 C5 D5(type 2)
|--------------hold the---------------|-----------|----repeat-to----*||
I know how to main- tain and you know__ I know my part
Do this the second time:
D5(type 2) D5 C5 G5 C5
|----------------|------hold the------|-----|-------------------------|
heart! I lead a reck - less life, and I
D5 C5 G5 C5
|---------hold the -------|-----|-------------------|
don’t need your ad- vice and you know___
D5 C5 G5 C5 G5 C5 G5
|--hold ----------|--------------------------|
__ its my on-ly vice.
Solo 1
B5 A5 B5
G5 A5
A5 D5 A5
B5 A5 B5 A5
|(hold bend)-19--------|(hold)------14---------------14-|
G5 A5 G A5 G A5 B5
trem. Bar
A5 B5