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Far Away From Home(Levellers) ukulele弹唱谱

更新时间:2014-07-21    来源/发布:乐器学习网    作者/编辑:乐器学习网
Far Away From Home谱

All chords are open .. .so play them at the first fret *except G*
which is on the second..(that might seem obvious to some people
but it is best to be told everything that struggle with nothing.)

     C                   C(sus4)/F           G
X                    X X
| | | | O |          | | | | O O         | | | | | |
| | | | | |          | | | | | |         | O | | | |
| | O | | |          | | O | | |         O | | | | O
| O | | | |          | | | | | |         | | | | | |

     Dm                   B(flat)
X X                  X X
| | | | | O          | | | | | O
| | | O | |          | | | | | |
| | | | O |          | | O O O |
| | | | | |          | | | | | |

  The main verse goes like this ....

   Its warm by the river, the wier keeps us clean,
       C(sus4)/F                                 C
   the wood smoke and cigarettes are all that we need.

   Marking the dirt with twigs and simple words spoke,
   kicking the dirt so that we can just ..
   Dance the dance that plays it with the fire ,
   B(flat)                      C
   play guitar and he played it inspired.
   You said you would leave it not ever underneath
   the sky forever....

  Then the middle part .. and chorus ...

  G  Dm   B(flat)  C        G
                     When we're so far from home..
    Dm                  B(flat)
no means of return ... there's so much that we have taught
and so much we have learned.


尤克里里曲谱 TOP 榜

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