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Stairway To Heaven(Led Zeppelin) ukulele弹唱谱

更新时间:2014-07-21    来源/发布:乐器学习网    作者/编辑:乐器学习网

thoughts I        smoke through         voices of       looking  [goto %]
new day           those who             forests will  laugh - ter


If theres a bust   ’edge row dont            its just a           Queen
Yes there are       go by but                 and theres still     your on

                                          and it    won  der


Your head is        wont go                  the pipers           him
Dear lady can        blow                     your stairw     whispering wind

                                                          wierd time (3/4?)


Ok this is where the solo starts.                  Am     - x02210
I’ll include the chords to play over               Am7    - x02010
it they sound pretty open I think                  Fmaj7  - xx3210
its a 12 string.

Am                   Am7   Fmaj7
  Am             Am7         Fmaj7
|--8b10---8--5  -----8--10-|-8-----------------------5-------|
  Am             Am7          Fmaj7


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