Am Am7
Am Am7
Am Am7 hold bend
* this slide riff is another guitar and
is actually played on the 1st string
Am Am7 /---------\ Fmaj7
Am Am7 Fmaj7 Am Am7
|-19b21--13/12 13/10-|--14b17--14b17-14--12--14--12-12b14------------|
Fmaj7 Am Am7
The two guitars continue into this section. Walloping (a technical term
meaning hit very hard &) the strings using the full barre sounds pretty
good. The lead basically follows the bass. You can do both (like you
can tweak the slide riff with one guitar)
I think i can probably tabascii the bass now, ive listened to it enough.
But ive had it for this song!! unless someone really needs it please dont
ask just yet.. Ive gotten transfixed by a few other zepplin tracks
that where on the album, their slower more melodic stuff like no quarter
down by the seaside etc..
Am G F G Am G F G
And as we wind on down the road Our shadows taller than our soul
Am G F G Am G
there walks a lady we all know who shines w’ light and to